Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Welcome authors!

If you are a new published author - or any author who is struggling with getting your book noticed, you've come to the right place!

I started this blog as a way to help other authors get a little more exposure, and think I've come up with a pretty good package for those who need help with their book marketing.

As a way of introduction, I was a newspaper editor for 18 years before publishing my first novel in 2008. Thanks, I believe, to my newspaper experience, my expertise in writing press releases, and my diverse marketing plan, my Civil War novel climbed to #1 on Amazon's Best Seller list in the romance/historical category, beating the clasic Gone with the Wind.

After hearing from other authors who are fumbling around (like I did at first), I've decided to offer my marketing plan as a basic guide. I wish I could afford to offer it for free, but I think I'm making it affordable at $39.95. The plan took me two years to write and includes different facets of marketing like: PR/Publicity (press kits, reviews, endorsements, newspaper articles); Internet (social networking, web site, blogging); Joint Ventures/Cross Promotions; Special Promotions; Selling; Electronic Media; Paid Advertising: Other Promotional Events: and Msc.

As a bonus, I will include:
  • A list of Internet services that will distribute your press releases.

As a thank-you I will throw in:

  • A 94-page pdf called 154 Power-Packed PR and Marketing Tips by Gail Martin of Dreamspinner Communications.

And finally:
  • Space and time permitting, I will spotlight the books/authors of those who participate in this offer on BookExposure.

Note: The marketing plan is written to promote my historical fiction book, but I believe the general components are fairly universal. If you have any questions, please email me at bookexposure(at) yahoo.com

Purchases may be made through Paypal at the above email address.