Saturday, August 29, 2009

Posting book reviews you want to share

Have a great review that you want to share?

You can do so at TheNewBookReview . The guidelines are on the left of the page. Scroll down a bit. Also authors are welcome to submit their favorite reviews of their own books. This is a cross-promotion effort so that all participants benefit from any promotion they do about the site.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

5 reasons why visiting a bookstore can be good for your health

With all the debate raging about healthcare reform, I think it’s a good time to remind readers about the benefits of a bookstore.

1. A book specialist can help you find just the right book – with no co-pay.

2. You don’t have to pay a deductible at a bookstore, and the value is unbeatable.

3. Bending over, standing up, crouching down to look at the bottom shelf is good exercise. (Repeat as necessary).

4. Carrying a large stack of books to your car is great for cardio and muscle-building.

5. Books provide entertainment, promote a sense of wellbeing, and insure you will have something to read in the waiting room.

- Historical Fiction Author Jessica James